ThailandScott and Penkhae Noble live in Chiang Mai Thailand with their son Micahberekiah, who is 4 years old and they are guardians of Isaiah, who is 11 years old. Khae was saved out of Buddhism at the age of 28 and her Dad was saved at the age of 69.  Her Mom and brother are not saved yet.

Scott, Khae and the boys share the gospel in a mostly Buddhist context through prison outreach, an English class for children, at a handicapped center, street ministry, camps, visiting their neighbors to talk with them and pray for them, and research articles.

Scott has written the book “Resisting the Mystical:  Staying Afloat on an Ocean Full of Shipwrecks,” and is currently working on an Apologetics book about Buddhism.

 Scott and Penkhae Noble



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