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Moriel (India) Missions — Report 2
The Call to Missions Those who know are entrusted with the sacred duty to tell all those who don’t know. Our commitment to the gospel is our responsibility to spread its message far and wide. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) India: Dear friends and colleagues, As I prepare for my significant upcoming trip to India, I am grateful for your support and…
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Update and Praise Report- Please pray for Dave Royle's son Aaron
On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 1:38 PM David Royle wrote: Good news. After 32 days in hospital, Aaron's transplant has taken so far. Both pancreas and kidney are functioning and he's now home. It will be a few months more recovery and of course he will be without his job income. With a family this is a challenge. So please pray for these needs and pray the organs settle down In Jesus Dave
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Prayer request for a sister battling CFS for 7 years now.
Hello friends, We have received a request from a dear sister named Esther who has been battling CFS for seven years now. She is a wife and a mother and her health situation makes things much more difficult. Her request is this: "Please pray for full health if it is God's will for me. Also for wisdom how to get better if there is work I must do." Saints, will you please add your prayers to her own. LORD, we trust in you and know that whatever we are called to endure in this life, you are worthy…
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Prayer request for Pastor Fye in NY having open heart surgery.
Hello friends, Moriel Prayer Request We request prayer for Pastor Dwaine Fye in Upstate New York. Pastoir Fye is set to undergo Open heart surgery Monday He Will be need to be on a vent for at least a week due to lung issues May The Lord give wisdom to his physicians and grant him a speedy and good recovery. Your family thanks be to Jesus, Moriel team
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Pray for the recent return of a prodigal son!
Dear brethren, We have a report below and a request for prayer as we know our enemy longs to destroy the sheep. Thomas Jackson , (who is related to Moriel Pastor & Missionary Mark Jackson) has made another commitment to the Lord. He is very vocal about it and is attending church regularly. He has thrown out his marijuana and says that this is the time for him to step up. I'm encouraged by his constant reading of his Bible and asking questions. Please keep him in your prayers. He will be…
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Updated URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for Pastor Teerth Sond (3)
In Yeshua Update- I will be having a meeting on Monday 09/09/2024 at 4:30pm with the appointed Consultant to discuss findings and the plan forward. Your prayers are truly appreciated by us all in Yeshua. Blessings In Yeshua TT & Family
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Updated URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for Pastor Teerth Sond (4)
Greetings Brethren Today I had my face to face consultation. Had it not been for The Holy Spirit moving consultant Ian Perry 5wks ago I would have been oblivious to the cancer cells. Lymph NodesT2 NO/1 Mo- means it has not spread The lower the number the better Isolation They have found the cancer cell early- Gods providence. Operation within 2-3wks to remove all isolated cancer cells. It’s not 3cm as thought before. I will be having a PET Scan & MRI scan, please keep this in prayer they come…
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New Update on URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for Pastor Teerth Sond (2)
Greetings Jacob & All Brethren The main nurse Victoria spoke to me on Friday 30/08/2024 and informed me that the team of medical consultants have the CT scans and are awaiting the biopsy reports. They will be meeting on the 06/09/2024 between 8am-1pm to discuss the correct plan of action. The hospital & team will then call me in on the 09/09/2024 to discuss the road map and plan of action. I have spoken to private consultation and Christian Consultants who both said that the NHS team have fast…
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Update on URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for Pastor Teerth Sond
This is the update we have received and ask you all to consider in your prayers: Greetings Brethren We request your prayers that all my organs remain intact, the findings which are being tested remain bond and isolated. Lord willing they will be organising a CT scan this week- pray that goes well in Yeshua and the correct & swift treatment will be applied in Yeshua. We pray for the hands of all medical staff and seek The Glory of The Lord in Unity. I have made a personal pledge with The Lord-…
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Appeals to curb the spread of Islam in the UK by Lord Pearson
My Lords, the King’s Speech told us that measures will be introduced to improve the safety and security of public venues Toggle showing location ofColumn 667and help keep the British people safe from terrorism. When we use the word “terrorism” nowadays, we usually mean Islamist terrorism. MI5 tells us that Islamist terrorism is now the UK’s most significant threat. Yet, if we so much as try just to talk about Islam or Islamism, we are immediately accused of Islamophobia. A phobia is an…
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