Below is a message from The Moriel Israel Branch.
Most Jewish believers in Yeshua in Israel volunteer to serve in combat brigades and Soldiers are being called up to emergency reserve duty and have families and other costs and the mobilization incurs considerable expenses from loss of secular income (reserve duty payment is not very sufficient in a costly country). Israel is also reliant upon volunteer help in a war environment (as schools are closed, the armored bomb-proof bus purchased by Moriel to transport children of believers to the School we support is being used to transport goods for soldiers).

Above all we request prayer for the believing soldiers and their families, especially for protection, as one believing soldier has already been killed in combat yesterday. Any of our subscribers who are led of The Lord to make contributions to the Messianic believers in the IDF are requested to forward their contributions to Moriel USA and in comments designate it for 'Messianic Soldiers Fund'. All funding will go directly to the ministry in Israel that provides support for Jewish believers in the military. For security reasons, we cannot show the surnames of believing soldiers in the photos below and their faces have been digitally altered.

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Hi brothers!

Our brother Joel, who is the headmaster of Jerusalem Messianic School, which Moriel supports, has been called, to emergency reserve duty in the IDF. Joel is a Golani soldier (infantry unit) asking for prayer for Israel, our children and his safety and success in the battle.

Since the school is closed and the children study over Zoom, Joel has utilized the new school bus and its Jewish driver to help transport military equipment to his friends in the reserve forces.

As of now, we know of one Messianic soldier, David Ratner, who was serving on active duty also in the Golani Brigade and died fighting Hamas terrorists near Gaza. He was from a fellowship in Ashdod, we trust this brave 20-year-old knew the Lord personally and is rewarded for his sacrifice in Heaven now.

The Netivah ministry, which we’ve recently been supporting, is keeping in touch with many believing soldiers and is active in providing any equipment, support and encouragement that they may ask for. I’ve spoken to Joel G. (a different Joel), from Netivah, to ask how we could help and he honestly answered that the best help we can give them now is financial resources to purchase the food and other equipment that they wish to send to our soldiers.

I couldn’t get an exact sum from Joel as to how much they need, so far, but I hope to get a little more info from him soon, as he said he’ll get back to me soon.

My son Ariel is serving as an F-16 technician in the IAF and has been working nonstop since Saturday to arm our jets that are striking in Gaza. He is thankfully in a relatively safe environment in the Air Force base, but my non-believing nephew Rotem is currently fighting near Gaza as a special forces infantry soldier and has already lost many friends and officers in this war. Please pray for him and for my niece Yahel, his younger sister, who has just joined the war effort as a tactical intelligence gatherer. Please pray for their salvation and for their safe return to us.

Thank you all for your faithful support and care. It is much appreciated. 




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